Bantam Recreational Hockey Update, News, Bantam Division, 2019-2020 (North Durham Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 11, 2019 | Krista Craig | 538 views
Bantam Recreational Hockey Update
As a follow up to my email last week, I wanted to share some important news.  We have had Bench Staff step up for 6 Bantam Teams Recreational League Teams! The 2019/20 Bantam program for North Durham Hockey will begin with Evaluations on September 21, 2019.  Currently, we have goalies for each team, and approximately 13 skaters per team.  There is some room for additional registrations. 

Evaluations for Bantam will be held on:

Saturday, September 21 - Port Perry
12:00 pm

Thursday, September 26 - Uxbridge

Once Registration is finalized, I will send an email out early next week with the times your player will skate.  PLEASE WATCH FOR THE EVALUATION SCHEDULE.  The skates will be organized alphabetically, with both 2005 and 2006 players on ice together.  I will also post this information on the North Durham Website.
Once the teams are made, the Regular Ice Times for Bantam recreation begin on Saturday, September 28.  Games will start the following weekend on October 5.  The schedule may change based on overall registration - but not much.  Practices will be Thursday and Sunday nights until after Christmas, then all ice times will be games.  
Regular Season Schedule:

Thursday: 7:00pm 8:00pm - Uxbridge

Saturday 12:00pm - Port Perry

Sunday 6:45pm - Port Perry

Please let me know if you have any questions.
See you at the rink!
Krista Craig
Manager Bantam AE
Executive Manager Senior Recreation Hockey
North Durham Minor Hockey Association